Thursday, December 16, 2021

# 3 From Counting Venue - Evening 6 pm

Counting Update # 19

Out of 32 (satellite ballot boxes) + 438 (ballot boxes); so far 24 satellite ballot boxes are opened and tallied with voted polled. 

Remaining 8 + 438 ballot boxes are yet to be opened and tallied

Maximum Postal Ballots 722 was received in Southern Region only. Other Regions (west, east, north and central) 200 to 300 postal ballots were only received 

Postal ballots valid votes will be announced tomorrow 

Candidates present in counting venue: Central Council - 3 nos; Regional Council - 4 nos

Counting Theme: Slow & Steady ...........

By today satellite ballot boxes will be opened and tallied. Tomorrow 438 ballot boxes will be opened and tallied

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