Sunday, December 19, 2021

Day 4 - Counting Venue - Distribution of Votes - Tray Filling Status

Counting Update # 28

Distribution of Votes started from 9:45 am

Trays filling fast, which serial no is filling fast will be updated

Trays where sorted ballot paper serial number wise for first preference will be filled in respective trays numbered 1 to 15 for central council and 1 to 35 for regional council

Keep guessing the numbers in comment box below

Central Council Distribution of Votes over. Counting Started. Hope to get the First Preference around 05:30 pm (count and recount to be done)

Central Council Serial No of tray position are: (@ 01:15 pm visual status)

Two trays for S No: 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

One Tray for S No: 2, 4, 5, 8, 14,15

E & O E

Regional Council Distribution of Votes over. Counting Started. Hope to get the First Preference around 05:30 pm (count and recount to be done)

Regional Council Serial No of tray position are: (@ 01:45 pm visual status)

Two trays for S No: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32

One Tray for Other Serial Numbers

E & O E

Most of the Central Council Contestants and Regional Council Contestants and their representatives are present in Counting Venue

Kindly share your valuable comments below this post. 

Blog Statistics: At the time of this post 47,000 blog views and 48 followers. 


  1. Congratulations GKR Sir, All the very Best... CS Jaipal Reddy Naidi, Hyderabad

  2. Immensely useful, keep up the good work

  3. By what time can we expect the final count of first vote

  4. Two trays doesn't mean one is a winner and one tray doesn't imply one is defeated. Let's wait patiently and watch the elimination process as the deserving candidates emerge.
